Monday, September 29, 2008

Finally, a lick of common sense on the "Hill"

Here is the truth..

If your representative is present in the YEA column, you need to start that petition to THROW the freakin BUM OUT..
They are in the back pocket of all the corruption and greed that has taken us to this level.

On a special Note.. Nancy Pelosi from me as an American Citizen who has done the right thing and stood tall and served: You F**cking cunt.

You can kiss my unshaven unwashed Scrotum.

As the "Speaker of the House" you are American Citizen NUMERO UNO who should have taken the tempo and tact to find a way to guide our country out of a mess.

Instead, you found a way to twist this into another "wish I was at Berkley in 68 to bomb the establishment".

The Roll Call: (those who had the Intestinal Fortitude to Vote (the Freaking GUTS, for those Moral cowards)



Ala. - Cramer, Davis

Ariz. - Berry, Ross, Snyder

Calif. - Berman, Capps, Cardoza, Costa, Davis, Eshoo, Farr, Harmon, Honda, Lofgren, Matsui, McNerney, Miller (G.), Pelosi, Richardson, Speier, Taushcer, Waters, Waxman, CO-DeGette, Perlmutter

Conn. - DeLauro, Laron, Murphy, FL-Boyd, Brown, Hastings, Klein, Mahoney, Meek, Wasserman, Schultz, Wexler

Ga. - Bishop, Marshall

Ill. - Bean, Davis, Emanuel, Foster, Gutierrez, Hare, Schakowsky

Ind. - Donnelly, Ellsworth

Iowa - Boswell, Loebsack

Kan. - Moore

La. - Melancon

Maine - Allen

Md. - Hoyer, Ruppersberger, Sarbanes, Van Hollen

Mass.- Capuano, Frank, Markey, McGovern, Neal, Oliver, Tsongas

Mich. - Dingell, Kildee, Levin, MN-Ellison, McCollum, Oberstar

Mo.- Carnahan, Skelton

N.J. - Andrews, Holt, Pallone, Sires

N.Y. - Ackerman, Arcuri, Bishop, Clarke, Crowley, Engel, Hall, Higgins, Israel, Lowey, Maloney, McCarthy, McNulty, Meeks, Nadler, Rangel, Slaughter, Towns, Velazquez, Weiner

N.C. - Etheridge, Miller, Price, Watt

N.D. - Pomeroy

Ohio - Ryan, Space, Wilson

Okla. - Boren

Ore. - Hooley

Pa. - Brady, Doyle, Fattah, Kanjorksi, Murphy (P.), Murtha, Schwartz, Sestak

R.I. - Kennedy, Langevin

S.C. - Clyburn, Spratt

Tenn. - Cohen, Cooper, Gordon, Tanner

Texas - Edwards, Gonzalez, Hinojosa, Johnson, Reyes

Va. - Boucher, Moran

Wash. - Baird, Dicks, Larsen, McDermott, Smith

W.Va - Mollohan, Rahall

Wis. - Baldwin, Kind, Moore, Obey,



Ariz. - Giffords, Grijalva, Mitchell, Paster,

Calif - Baca, Becerra, Filner, Zee, Napolitano, Roybal (Allard), Sanchez (Linda), Sanchez (Loretta), Schiff, Sherman, Solis, Stark, Thompson, Watson, Woolsey

Colo. - Salazar, Udall

Conn. - Courtney

Fla. - Caster

Ga. - Barrow, Johnson, Lewis, Scott,

Hawaii - Abercrombie, Hirono

Ill. - Costello, Jackson, Lipinski, Rush

Ind. - Carson, Hill, Visclosky

Iowa - Braley

Kan. - Boyda

Ky. - Chandler, Yarmuth

La. - Cazayoux, Jefferson

Maine - Michaud

Md. - Cummings, Edwards

Mass. - Delahunt, Lynch, Tierney

Mich. - Coyners, Kilpatrick, Stupak

Minn. - Peterson, Walz

Miss. - Childers, Taylor, Thompson

Mo. - Clay, Cleaver

Nev. - Berkley

N.H. - Hodes, Shea-Porter

N.J. - Pascrell, Payne, Rothman

N.M. - Udall

N.Y. - Gillibrand, Hinchey, Serrano

N.C. - Butterfield, McIntyre, Shuler

Ohio - Kaptur, Kucinich, Sutten

Ore. - Blumenauer, DeFazio, Wu

Pa. - Altmire, Carney, Holden

S.D. - Hurseth, Sandlin

Tenn. - Davis, Lincoln

Texas - Cuellar, Doggett, Green (Al), Green (Gene), Jackson (Lee), Lampson, Ortiz, Rodriguez

Utah - Matheson

Vt.- Welch

Va. - Scott

Wash. - Inslee

Wis. - Kagen



Ala. - Bachus, Bonner, Everett, Rogers

Ariz. - Boozman

Calif. - Bono (Mack), Valvert, Campbell, Dreier, Herger, Lewis, Lungren, McKeon, Miller (G), Radanovich

Colo. - Tancredo

Conn. - Shays

Del. - Castle

Fla. - Crenshaw, Putnam, Weldon

Idaho - Simpson

Ill. - Krik, LaHood

Ind. - Souder

Ky. - Lewis, Rogers

La. - McCrery

Md. - Gilchrest

Mich. - Camp, Ehlers, Upton

Minn. - Kline

Miss. - Pickering

Mo. - Blunt, Emerson

Nev. - Porter

N.J. - Ferguson, Saxton

N.M. - Wilson

N.Y. - Fossella, King, McHugh, Reynolds, Walsh

Ohio - Boehner, Hobson, Pryce, Regula

Okla. - Cole

Ore. - Walden

Pa. - Peterson

S.C. - Brown, Inglis, Wilson

Texas - Brady, Granger, Sessions, Smith

Utah - Cannon

Va - Cantor, Davis, Wolf

Wis.- Ryan

Wyo. - Cubin



Ala - Aderhold

Alaska - Young

Ariz. - Flake, Franks, Renzi, Shadegg

Calif. - Bilbray, Doolittle, Gallegly, Hunter, Issa, McCarthy, Nunes, Rohrabacher, Royce

Colo. - Lamborn, Musgrave

Fla. - Bilirakis, Brown-Waite, Ginny, Buchanan, Diaz-Balart (L), Diaz-Balart (M), Feeney, Keller, Mack, Mica, Miller, Ros-Lehtinen, Stearns, Young

Georgia - Brown, Deal, Gingrey, Kingsten, Linder, Price, Westmoreland

Idaho - Sali

Ill. - Biggert, Johnson, Manzullo, Raskam, Shimkus

Ind. - Burton, Buyer, Pence

Iowa - King, Latham

Kan. - Moran, Tiahrt

Ky. - Davis, Whitfield

La. - Alexander, Bustany, Scalise

Md. - Bartlett

Mich. - Hoekstra, Knollenberg, McCotter, Miller, Rogers, Walberg

Minn. - Bachmann, Ramstad

Mo. - Akin, Graves, Hulshof

Mont. - Mehberg

Neb. - Portenberrym, Smith, Terry

Nev. - Heller

N.J. - Frelinghuysen, Garrett, LoBiondo, Smith

N.M. - Pearce

N.Y. - Kuhl

N.C. - Coble, Foxx, Hayes, Jones, McHenry, Myrick

Ohio - Chabot, Jordan, LaTourette, Latta, Schmidt, Tiberi, Turner

Olka. - Fallin, Lucas, Sullivan

Pa. - Dent, English, Gerlach, Murphy, Pitts, Platts, Shuster

S.C. - Barrett

Tenn. - Blackburn, Davis, Duncan, Wamp

Texas - Barton, Burgess, Carter, Conway, Culberson, Gohmert, Hall, Hensarling, Johnson (S), Marchant, McCaul, Neugbauer, Paul, Poe, Thornberry

Utah - Bishop

Va. - Drake, Forbes, Goode, Goodlatte, Wittman

Wa. - Hastings, McMorris, Rodgers, Reighert

W.Va. - Capito

Wisc. - Petri, Sensenbrenner

1 comment:

Subvet said...

"You F**cking cunt.
You can kiss my unshaven unwashed Scrotum."

I admire your restraint.