Well, The Better Half called me yesterday evening after I had spent a long day laboring over her "Honey Do" list to tell me not to be mad But...
She was rescuing a "Kitty". A friend had a cat that was in need of a good home and tapped my Wife and Daughter's soft spot for cuddly critters that purr and want to sit on your lap. So, Last night at 9PM I am making a run to Wal Mart for Litter, Foodbowl and all the other required items to make a critter comfortable. But with a face like this how can you not?

yes, but does it go good with ketchup, barbeque, or sweet and sour?
I know you haven't posted in a while, but I just followed a link to your blog from Bubblehead's Stupid Shall Be Punished blog. Just wanted to say I enjoyed reading your blog and hope things are well in the pacnorwest.
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